Viduet now also connected to Medicom HIS

12 July 2022

Viduet now also connected to Medicom HIS | Viduet Health

A major desire of many family physicians is to minimize, if not completely avoid, the re-typing of data from one system to another. This is why we put a significant portion of our development time into optimally connecting HISs with Viduet.

Medlab posts

All Dutch GP Information Systems have a so-called EDIFACT entry via care mail. With this, Viduet can easily send readings to a patient’s HIS record. These are then included automatically or after verification, depending on HIS and organizational settings.

Single Sign On (SSO)

GP practices working with Medicom can now also benefit from the SSO solution for Viduet. In practice, this means that with the click of a button in the Medicom file, a new patient is created in Viduet and the patient’s most important name and address information is transferred directly into Viduet. In Medicom’s web viewer, practice managers and family physicians can then easily choose care paths, order equipment, set up signals and create a personalized care plan for their patients.

If a patient already exists in Viduet, a caregiver navigates directly to the patient’s Viduet file and can see in clear overviews how the patient, his measurements and questionnaire responses are doing.


To find out if Viduet is right for your GP practice and can help you and your practice support staff reduce the number of consultations of chronically ill patients by up to 75%, contact our GP team (085-130 70 22). We are happy to tell you more and can give you an online demo if you wish.
