Type 1 diabetes

Protocolized home measurement

Monitor patients remotely and take the right actions in a timely manner

Viduet helps you set up the care pathways of your patients with type 1 diabetes, as efficiently as possible. In this way, you can gain a better understanding of your patient’s health, and you can spend your time as efficiently as possible. Together with your patient, you can create a personalized care program using different care modules. Check out our type 1 diabetes care modules below.

  • Type 1 diabetes

    Viduet helps you set up the care pathways of your patients with type 1 diabetes, as efficiently as possible. In this way, you can gain a better understanding of your patient’s health, and you can spend your time as efficiently as possible. Together with your patient, you can create a personalized care program using different care modules. Check out our type 1 diabetes care modules below.

    How does it work?

    Viduet helps patients better recognize their symptoms and take appropriate actions in time. For this purpose, we have developed several programs that meet the needs of the patient.

    Depending on the program, patients take home measurements and complete regular questionnaires through the app. The measuring equipment is calibrated and delivered to your home by Viduet Health. The measurement data are easily linked to the platform and made immediately visible to patient and healthcare professional.

    Patients are coached directly using the app. Based on combined trends of measurement data and entered complaints, the patient receives targeted advice. In this way, the patient can take the right actions at the right time.


    • Interoperable with HIS
    • More efficient consultations
    • Understanding measurement fidelity
    • Personalized care

    Programs for the hospital

    • glucose

      Type 1 diabetes monitoring

      Insight into glucose levels

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  • Hospital

    Type 1 diabetes

    Viduet helps you set up the care pathways of your patients with type 1 diabetes, as efficiently as possible. In this way, you can gain a better understanding of your patient’s health, and you can spend your time as efficiently as possible. Together with your patient, you can create a personalized care program using different care modules. Check out our type 1 diabetes care modules below.

    How does it work?

    Viduet helps patients better recognize their symptoms and take appropriate actions in time. For this purpose, we have developed several programs that meet the needs of the patient.

    Depending on the program, patients take home measurements and complete regular questionnaires through the app. The measuring equipment is calibrated and delivered to your home by Viduet Health. The measurement data are easily linked to the platform and made immediately visible to patient and healthcare professional.

    Patients are coached directly using the app. Based on combined trends of measurement data and entered complaints, the patient receives targeted advice. In this way, the patient can take the right actions at the right time.


    • Interoperable with HIS
    • More efficient consultations
    • Understanding measurement fidelity
    • Personalized care

    Programs for the hospital

    • glucose

      Type 1 diabetes monitoring

      Insight into glucose levels

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website: sbddesign.nl